Learn how to make life changing amounts of money without leaving your integrity behind!
Plenty is a 9 week course that unravels the money chat, rethinking the stories, beliefs and patterns that have been holding you back. We are going to demolish those beliefs and build a new inner dialogue in their place— one that supports you instead of hinders you.
Plenty goes way beyond a typical e-course by combining prerecorded workshops with weekly group coaching and an exclusive Facebook group where we'll unravel the course as a community and cheer each other on.
Click for more about what's included!
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I know the feeling...
You want to feel calm about money, at ease with it. You want to feel like it’s flowing and within easy reach.
In moments of radical honesty and trust you can acknowledge that you want to make life changing amounts of money...
... you are painfully aware that you are just not where you want to be right now. And the idea of earning more money than you are feels like it will be a whole heap of hard work and time you’re not sure you have.

On positive days you know you have some deep, impactful, world changing space to take up! But sometimes it feels like so much to take care of yourself, your friends, family, pay those bills AND yep, change the world while you’re at it.
You so want to make this money thing work, but you just can’t seem to figure out the secret that everyone else has… and then the guilt comes, because shouldn’t you just be grateful for what you have? There are others far worse off than you. Who are you to ask for more?
* What do I mean by life changing amounts of money? I mean amounts of money that change your life: this can range from no longer living month to month, no longer living in fear of your washing machine going kaput or your car breaking down. It can mean no longer waking up with a jolt or receiving ‘you are in your unarranged overdraft’ texts.
It can, of course, also mean bigger houses and Chanel bags... and no judgement on that! I’ll be getting my hands on a Chanel bag at some point I have no doubt! But thats not all it means by any stretch of the imagination. *
So many of us associate kindness with charging low amounts, with staying ‘acceptably sized’ in your life and business. You have been conditioned to believe that there is only the smallest of spaces for you, and so you are not showing yourself to the people who long for what you do in a way only you can deliver it.
You are confusing kindness, humility and empathy with struggle, hustle and self deprecation.
If you’re honest you know you have far more to offer, but you worry about what that will mean for you. What will they say? What will they think? Who will you become? Will you be able to sustain it? What if you fail? What if it all goes away?
Brilliant human. What if there is PLENTY?
Plenty of good will, plenty of space for you to be who you always were, plenty of sales, plenty of space for rest when you need it, plenty of opportunities, plenty of ideas, plenty of time to learn and yes, plenty of money.
What if it’s already on it’s way to you. And all you need to figure out is how to let it in?
“Freedom is not being for or against an ideal, but creating your own existence from scratch”
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you’ll know I am all about the nuance in this money chat. That nuance takes time to unravel, as do those money stories that have been holding you back since forever.
In ‘Plenty’ we are going to spend 9 weeks identifying those stories, beliefs and patterns that have been handed down unchecked for generations, feeding into the idea that not only are we not enough, but there is not enough for us.
We are going to demolish them and build them back up again, so that your inner dialogue supports you, instead of hinders you. It’s not always going to be comfortable, but it will be illuminating and exhilarating. And that is the stuff that lasting change is made
~ 9 x Themed Weekly Workshops ~
Workshop 1: Of course you feel that way
Workshop 2: The game is rigged
Workshop 3: Finding Your Power
Workshop 4: You contain Multitudes
Workshop 5: More than a feeling
Workshop 6: You’re part of something way bigger
Week 7: Playing you sized
Workshop 8: Feel Good Goals
Workshop 9: Make it Rain
~ 9 x weekly 60 min coaching calls ~
on Zoom with the whole group.
This is where this course differs from a traditional e-course and becomes much more of a coaching programme.
I want to have the time with you as actual people (albeit on a screen) to really dig into what is coming up for you over the time we have together. This is your chance to go through what has come up in the workshops and workbooks, to get your questions answered, to figure out where you are stuck and why, to run through business ideas, pricing queries and anything else money or business related that comes up.
I will be doing laser coaching (this means relatively quick coaching) with those that come on the calls and really talking you through things that have come up for you, asking you the questions you need to answer and helping you take practical action to get yourself in the spirit and the reality of plenty.
~ Weekly workbooks full of journaling prompts to accompany each workshop ~
These get you digging deeper into how this stuff is coming up for you and build on the workshop sessions to keep you making progress throughout the week.
~ A private Facebook Group just for those of you on the course ~
If you don’t already know this about me, take note. Running Facebook communities that are alive, thriving and inclusive is my superpower. This group will be your home of plenty for the entirety of the course. This is where you can spill the thoughts you’re unravelling, the questions that pop up in the middle of the night, that new idea you’ve had that you need to share. The women of this group will be your cheerleaders. They will help you see yourself in ways that right now you don’t have words for, they will hold you steady as you reach for new places in your life and business. In my courses we call them your wall of women. I can’t wait for you to meet each other!
What it's like to work with Ray

The next round of PLENTY will launch in January 2022. Get on the waitlist to hear the latest!

Plenty of Bonuses

Sign up to PLENTY and get The Pricing Workshop for FREE
Spend 50 minutes with me in this recorded workshop, as I walk you through how to price in a way that works for you. Keeping your kindness and empathy intact but removing the ick from it all.
PLENTY is for you if…
You are bored and frustrated with not earning the sort of money you want to earn. It's dull and you are over it.
You are even more bored of not living fully to your potential, you don’t want to continue that struggle, you’re ready to take up space.
You are ready to look at what is holding you back from charging more for what you do, and you’re ready to move beyond imposter syndrome.
You’re ready to sit in some discomfort. Unraveling our stories and bringing our feelings to work can be sticky work at times. I’m looking for people who are willing to hold the stare with their own feelings.
You’re someone who wants to bring their feminism and their desire for an equitable world into their money making. I’m telling you, the way wealthy women spend their money will be a key part in turning this world of ours around.
You feel stuck and unsure how to find momentum with it all.
You have money ambitions you keep secret from everyone else, because really...how could you make that sort of money?
Money and sales talk makes you feel a bit queasy, you feel like there are very few if any people who really get this stuff and you want to find more of them.
PLENTY is not for you if…
You're not prepared to feel a bit uncomfortable at times. Sometimes, no...often, the reason we aren't where we want to be is because we want to avoid emotional discomfort. This group will be a safe and supportive place to dive into that stuff, but if that feels too much for you then the course may not be for you.
You think feelings and emotions are nonsense. I'm a firm believer that our emotions are our superpower. If that's not for you, no worries, but I may not be either.
You're happy not earning any money. That is perfectly brilliant. I work with lot of women who want to earn money in order for their partners to work less. Honestly to not allow women the same right is really bad feminism. There is no one way to be when it comes to anything. You do your thing.
You’re looking for a quick fix, or a promise of a certain amount of 0’s per month. I can’t promise that and I won’t.
You are NOT committed to working towards creating an inclusive space. It’s very important to me that my e courses reflect the diversity of the world we live in, and while that conversation is often a flawed and uncomfortable one, it’s also one I’m committed to having. If you’re not open to that then this space is definitely not for you. Trot on.
Is there a minimum or maximum amount I should be earning for the course to suit me?
There really isn’t. I work hard to create judgement free zones in my courses. I want them to be spaces you can aim high even when you’re already earning an amount that deems you successful. I also want them to be places you can be honest about what’s not working for you. So whether you are on £5-10k months (or more) or you’re yet to bring in anything regularly, concentrate on whether the course seems like a good fit for you. It’s not about the specific amounts.
Do I need to have a business to do the course?
You don’t need to have started one, but you do need to be planning one. And by business I’m also including freelancer and self employed people. There will be a lot of business based chat so if you are traditionally employed with no plans to run a business of your own a large part of the course will not be relevant to you.
What if I've got a business idea but I'm yet to do anything with it?
Great! That means you can launch it with your money faculties far more intact!
I’m not a coach/don’t have a service based business, is the course for me?
Yes! The course is for those with service based and product based businesses.
I did your last money course, is this one different?
I’m sure there will some overlap but the two courses are completely unrelated. In fact I’ve started from scratch with this one. I haven’t run a pure money course for over a year and what I know and understand has grown enormously in that time, as has the amount of money I bring into my own business. PLUS this course is way more in depth, with more time to uncover and digest the weekly topics. AND you get a lot more time with me in ways that have previously been reserved for group course/mastermind clients.
I’m concerned about making this level of investment.
Only you can answer this one, but I want you to consider what difference this course could make to you. How could you earn the money back? Look at the investment as something to be figured out, rather than a reason to shut the idea down completely. The idea of investing in a course like this is that it enables you to earn back your investment and then some. While I can’t guarantee any specific results I can say tell you I have clients who have upped their income by 7-10 times whilst working with me. So if you’re on the fence, think of this as something that will make you money rather than cost you money. Do what they did, check you like the way I do things and then show up and do the work. That’s where the best results happen.
I’m worried that doing a course like this during a global pandemic is a bad idea.
There is no doubt that the world feels flipped upside down right now. And there are certainly industries and businesses that have been really hard hit. However, I also know that a number of people including myself and the vast majority of my clients have recorded some of their best months SINCE the pandemic hit. People are still buying and working on your feelings and beliefs around money will enable you to be one of the people still making money despite these very strange times. Plus I know that for many of us this time has brought our money concerns and beliefs to the forefront of our conscious brains. It’s a really good time to nab them while they are so present and write yourself some new beliefs. Ones that support who you want to be and how you want the world to look going on from this time.
Got another question - pop me an email.
This course is a declaration.
My intention is for this to be a mark in the sand. For you to stand up and say, yep, I am here for this.
I know you’ve had a niggle about this for so long, for some of you it’s already a full blown desire. Which is perfect. Because we are going beyond the niggle. We are seizing on that feeling and transforming its potential into action.
I KNOW there are a whole heap of coaches and mentors vying for your attention right now. Here’s the thing. If you want to take all of who you are into your business, if you are sick of trying to pretend you are something you are not in order to earn the money you want to earn, if you are so ready to have months of £2000, £3000, £4000, £5000 and more, and to make that your norm, AND if you connect with what I bang on about, then this is the place for you.
Let’s do this thing.
Ray x